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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......

Photographing fireworks on New Years' Eve

I must admit, I really do love a fireworks' display.

Fireworks are usually used to celebrate and mark a special occasion, and what better way really - with stunning fizzes, pops and splashes of colour across the sky.

I don't know about you, but whenever I see something that looks pretty spectacular, my trigger finger gets itchy and I need to grab my camera and try and capture the beauty that is before me.

Creating spectacular fireworks photos is easier than you might imagine, and with these following tips, you too will be able to capture some stunning fireworks photos for New Years' Eve.

1. Manual settings are a must
If you haven't had much of a play with your manual settings, New Years' Eve is YOUR night to shine! What a fun way to explore the possibilities of your camera and take control over your shots.

Here are some basic settings to try, and please feel free to test them out and work out what best works for the situation you are shooting in.

Aperture - f/8 - f/11

ISO settings - keep this low. An ISO of 100 will create images with great crispness.

Using 'bulb mode' will allow you to keep the shutter open as long as you're holding down the shutter button - hit the shutter button when the firework is launching and release once the burst has faded.

Oh, and no flash! Just because it is dark outside, please don't think you need to use your flash. Using your manual camera settings will allow you to control the pop-up flash.

2. Remote control
If this is an option for you, I would suggest using a remote for your camera to release the shutter button and to eliminate any movement you may create on your camera. If you don't have a remote, the self-timer button would be my next preferred option.

3. Use a tripod
To allow you to capture the movement and colours of the fireworks with great clarity, you will need to use long exposure camera settings, and therefore, fixing your camera in a still position is a must.

4. Plan ahead ... and be ready
Getting to the fireworks venue early, and knowing where the fireworks will be booming and fizzing in the sky is important.

Consider what you want to include in your image and the perspective you are after - encorporating local features can add to the attraction of the image.

Once you have picked your vantage spot have a play around with your camera settings, and manually focus your camera before the sky becomes too dark.

It pays to keep in mind that the early fireworks are likely to have less smoke in the air, and therefore less haze in the photos. So get there early, set your camera settings, take a few test shots, and be ready to fire away when the first firework is lit.

Have the confidence to try some different looks and styles, and capture the different effects that fireworks have as they blaze across the sky.


As 2012 draws to a close, I wish you all a New Year that dawns with the promise of new and wonderful things, lots of love and special experiences. And if you do head out tonight with your camera (and tripod) in hand to capture some fireworks photos, please post a comment below and let me know how you went.

And baby will make four {Patrick family}

Almost three years ago I took some maternity photos for the gorgeous Allie & her husband Cam as they awaited the arrival of the cute-as-a-button little girl.

This week I was thrilled to re-create some of these photos as a beautiful keepsake for Allie & Cam, soon to welcome their 2nd child.

Doesn't she make pregnancy look wonderful!

And baby will make four ... and what a loving family this baby is going to be welcomed into.



'Improbable Fiction' - Canberra Rep Society {Theatre Photographer}

A couple of weeks ago, the Canberra Repertory Society presented 'Improbable Fiction' (by British playwright Alan Ayckbourn), and after recently becoming immersed in the world of theatre photography with 'Iolanthe' and 'Brigadoon' (both by the Queanbeyan Players), I was thrilled to be invited along to shadow a theatre photographer with over 30 years experience.

I had a fabulous time and am looking forward to the 2013 theatre season hotting up ...


Fern and Dave say 'I Do' {Canberra Wedding Photographer}

Fern and Dave said ‘I Do’ amongst the gorgeous surrounds of the Sculpture Gardens in Canberra, in a beautiful ceremony that matched their personalities, their fun and their love for each other.

With close friends and loved family members weaved into the proceedings, the affection Fern and Dave for each other and for those that they love was abundantly clear and made for a most wonderful, relaxed occasion. These two suit each other down to the ground and I wish them both a lifetime of laughs and happy memories xx

A post-ceremony toast to the new Mr & Mrs ...

Quick tips for a Christmas photo session with babies

I thought I'd share one my Christmas photos from 3 years ago, when my kiddo was experiencing the fun of her first festive season...... this type of shot is nice & easy to do with children that can prop themselves up, or sit on their own (before they discover they can move on their own!).

I just used a blanket as a backdrop/floor cover, lay her on the floor and tipped two containers of Christmas baubles in her direction and snapped away!

You could also lie a small pillow in front of them, cover this with the blanket and give a little extra height to help hold them up if needed. You will need to be, of course, right down on the ground ... and if memory serves me correctly, I think I was lying down for a lot of these photos.

I had a large window full of beautiful natural light behind me in this shot, to get the nice 'catchlights' in her eyes .... which you will also see in the reflection on the decorations .... so also be aware of how you look as you may find yourself in the reflection too!.

Loads of fun and a nice & easy Christmas shot.


Here's one reason I love photographing children ...

.. they just make the cutest faces!

 then, she {snapped}

How do you 'Capture That Kid!'? {Guest blog}

Today I am thrilled to be sharing some handy tips on how to take gorgeous photos of children.

I generally need my running shoes on when taking photos of littlies .... who needs the gym when you get a work out photographing children!

Please join me over at to the Capture That Kid! blog.


Hawkins Family - Sneak Peek


Nothing thrills me more than taking family photos for those that have none or only a handful shots of everyone together. When little children seem to grow up in the blink of any eye, capturing these special moments and these special times is so very important.
And that is what made today’s session so precious to me. .... and even more so because Cas and I met over three years ago when our little poppets were just a couple of months old (and who are now inseparable at childcare!), and I am blessed to call her a friend in my life.

Meet the gorgeous Hawkins family ... aren’t their two brown-eyed boys just adorable? They were such a treat to follow around and watch them explore the world around them, completely in their element when climbing rocks, searching for sticks, splashing in the water or discovering bugs (and cicada shells stuck to a tree!).


 then, she {snapped} Ni Hao Yall Photobucket
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