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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......

15 years ago I had a first date with a certain boy, at a pizza restaurant. 

Tonight we made home-made pizzas & had a pizza picnic whilst watching Madagascar with the littlest member of the household ❤❤

Thursday afternoon baking

I've been sick all week, with not a great deal of motivation to speak of.

Finally the germs seem to be getting the hint and have started to depart, so this afternoon I found myself in the kitchen itching to bake something.

 Today is my husband and my 11th wedding anniversary, and I decided a yummy dessert was called for. The house is now rich with the strong smell of a flourless chocolate cake, courtesy of Sue Shepherd's 'Low FODMAP Recipes' book.

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