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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......

Jazz Garters {Theatre Photography}

Canberra Rep's latest production of 'Jazz Garters' sees the company performing this show for the 4th time, but this year with a unique twist. Cleverly working in Canberra's centenary, the mixture of Cabaret, Vaudeville, Revue, Circus and Comedy ties in many of the things we Canberrans know so well about our town.

I hope you enjoy these pictures from the show and head along for a wonderful dose of entertainment.

Mitchell Family - {Natural Light Photography}

Welcoming their beautiful second daughter Eliza Mae into their loving family a couple of weeks prior, I had the pleasure of a Mother's Day photo session with the lovely Mitchell family. A family full of love for each other, and lots of kisses & cuddles too.

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