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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......


A few months before my grandfather passed away two years ago he handed me his service medals, asking me to take care of them for him. Yesterday, on ANZAC Day, we remembered all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. After watching the National Parade I proudly showed these medals to Tara. Lest we forget.
the long road

{Let's Do 52} - 16/52 - Reflection (and some more feet)

'Reflection' - theme for week 16 of 52 of the fabulous 'Paint the Moon's' LET'S DO 52 challenge.

Home .....

I love walking in the door

Oh how I love being in my home .....

.... Kicking off my shoes

Walking bare-foot ....

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And because I love taking photos of feet, here is one I took last week of my little girl :)

Gorgeous autumn afternoons

Sun dipping into the evening sky

Teaching my girl how to hopscotch

New gumboots - don't want to take those off.....

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

the long road Happily Mother After

Back in my day ....

Yes, I am guilty of saying "Back in my day....." - and immediately that makes me feel so very old!

Last week I received a lovely iPod Touch for my birthday - all wonderful in its sleekness and cleverness. I downloaded a few puzzles and games for Tara (who is a couple of months from turning 3), and witnessed her picking the concept of these up within a period of about 3 1/2 minutes. Switching between apps, tilting the iPod up and down to make Dora slide down her rainbow slide .... amazing!

For some time I have resisted teaching her electronic games and puzzles, thinking "Well, back in my day I had to play an actual puzzle or read an actual book" .... which fortunately, she also loves to do and carries several books with her in the car, to the shops, to the bath, at the breakfast table.......I then realised though (after I realised I was thinking about "back in my day" too often) that she has been born into a technological era, and will be surrounding by technology each and every day - so as long as this play is balance with other play, then I see it as a good thing that she learns.

The last few days my Dad has been visiting ..... oh what fun was it to see her 'teaching' him the tricks of the technological trade.

And to tie in with this week's theme for 'Let's Do 52' - "CELEBRATE" :)

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 then, she {snapped}bits of splendor monday

Sneak peek - Lawler Mini-Session

You must have a look at these two little cutie pies ....

Bree and I have met a few different times, crossing paths through a mutual friend, at a Tupperware party, at the local library with our girls, playgrounds, and I always throughly enjoy catching up with her for a chat - and today I was lucky enough to take some photos for her & her family, on a glorious autumn morning in Canberra. Thank you Mark & Bree for a lovely session - Caitlin & Zoe are an absolute credit to you - they are both such sweet little girls.

Please enjoy your sneak peek .....

For more info on mini-sessions - please pop along to this page :)

Easter Time

I have commented on here before about how much I am absolutely loving that my daughter is at an age where we can dabble in all sorts of different craft activities.

The lead up to Easter this week provided some wonderful craft opportunities for us, and the chance for Tara to participate in one of her favourite activities at present - glueing. Give this child glue and she will squeeze and squeeze until her heart is content, emptying half a bottle in one sitting. (Mental note, must buy glue stick that doesn't require squeezing).

First up this week we pulled out the paints, and some great little polystyrene egg shapes I picked up at a local store that sold all sorts of bibs & bobs. This was a nice easy craft for Tara to manage, with quick results (excellent for someone not yet three!). She also chose to stick some star stickers on her eggs, so in only a few minutes she was done.

Tara put her aptitude for the art of glue application to work on this cute little Easter bunting I put together. Now this was a fun one to do!
Essentially, craft wise, all I did was cut flag shapes out of some coloured paper, circle shapes out of some other coloured paper, printed out letters in 'Word' (see - not really very artistic & creative at all!) - then laid them all out and went to work with the glue. I then cut out a couple of Easter bunny shapes from some other coloured paper, popped a few holes in the pieces of paper and then we thread some twine through the holes.
This was a super easy craft activity - I encourage you to give this one a go - birthdays, Christmas, whatever tickles your fancy.

There are loads of great templates and ideas around - one blog I love is 'Amanda's Parties To Go'.

Now of course, Easter craft wouldn't be complete without an Easter basket, and for this activity, I pretty much followed the format described above - I cut out shapes and Tara glued them on.

For the basket, I cut a head, ear, and feet shapes from some thick foam, then poked around in the box of craft goodies until I found some "googly eyes" (Tara thought it was hilarious her bunny had "googly eyes"!)and a white pipe cleaner for whiskers. From the bathroom cupboard I retrieved a few cotton balls and we were good to go. The 'basket' was a $2 (or there abouts) pink noodle box from a local craft store.

In amongst the craft activities of this last week, and in an attempt for me to get my little bunny to eat some food (my daily challenge) - I used cookie cutters to shape her ham & cheese sandwich into a couple of cute little Easter visitors. I cut some strips in a green lolly snake, wrapped a dried apricot around it, and there we had our bunnies' carrot snacks.....

The big day arrived, full of great excitement .... the night before l'il T carefully laid a carrot and little bowl of water out by the back door. In the morning, there was a small trail of eggs around the backyard - but I think Tara was more excited that the Easter Bunny had nibbled her carrot. She kept shouting "He's been! He's nibbled"..... oh my goodness these things are so fun :)

I hope you all had a hip, hop, hoppy Easter and enjoyed the special time spent with precious family and friends. And perhaps you too were excited to be allowed a bit of chocolate at breakfast time!

 then, she {snapped}bits of splendor mondayPhotobucket


Let's Do 52 - {14/52} - Morning......

Week 14 of the Paint the Moon's "Let's Do 52" challenge - the theme: "Give me a drink!"

Morning sunshine.....
Morning coffee......

Good morning to you :)

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 then, she {snapped}Live and Love...Out Loud
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