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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......

Puddle jumping on a Sunday summer afternoon

Rain, glorious rain ...

L'il T had a fabulous afternoon, trying out her new gumboots and making a big ol' splashing mess.

Hope you have all had a lovely Sunday afternoon too. What did you get up to?

Ni Hao Yall

Ethan's 2 year old session

This little boy was an absolute delight to take photos of ... an ABSOLUTE delight! Cute as a button, happy to engage with his Mummy & I, and with big brown eyes to die for.

Eighteen months ago I photographed his big sister, for her 2-year old photo shoot, and for Ethan's session we tried to re-create some shots, to create a wall of pictures to adorn the family home (and with another baby to join the fold in a few weeks time, this wall of cuties sitting at the piano will be quite the feature!).

Eth & I sat and played trains to start with, whilst his Mum (one of my most precious friends) had a wonderful catch up chat. These truly are the best parts of my job, and by the end of the session I knew all the names of the Thomas the Tank crew.

Boys and their toys ... to get Eth up at the family piano, some of the engines needed to take a ride too ...

She likes jumping in muddy puddles

I will say, up front, this wasn't easy.

Mud, everywhere. On her clothes, in her hair.

But I did it! I let her get into the mud and I sat back and watched her have fun. This was definitely a lesson in 'letting go' for me.

Oozing between fingers and toes, stirring, piling up and singing as she went.
Making mud pies, jumping up and down like Peppa Pig in muddy puddles ... giggling as she went.

 She had a most fabulous time and this Mumma learnt to take a breath and just let it be.


In a previous guest post over at Capture That Kid! I explored some handy tips for taking photographs of children. Capturing them in a natural, un-posed way will make for great photos.

The advantage of taking photos whilst playing in the mud, finger painting etc is that they are also less likely to run away - which is usually one of the biggest challenges in trying to take photos of them.

These are wonderful keepsakes - so I encourage to let your children get down and dirty, and you stand back with a camera and clean towel!

Saturday morning {Rebecca Doyle Photography}

My girl & I had a quiet morning at home, hung out in our PJs & danced.

She then pretended it was my birthday ( I was turning 4) & made a pretend cake ...

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