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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......

Baby Zalia

Doing my 365 photo project I met up with so many wonderful fellow photo nuts .... one of those being the lovely Erin, a sweet person, with a fun sense of humour, who never ceases to amaze me with her creativity (check out her project HERE).

Last week a precious little bundle of pink cuteness named Zalia was welcomed to the world.. Today I was lucky to meet the cuddly Miss Zalia and take some photos for Erin and Michael. Zalia and her big brother Rory are very much loved by Erin and Michael - thanks guys for letting me snap some precious memories for you ♥

To see some more photos of the beautiful baby Zalia, please visit my FACEBOOK PAGE

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve.... and my goodness, I can't remember the last time I was so excited about the festive season ... amazing what having a small child in the house can do.

Today Tara and I made some Christmas cookies, with the intention of supplying Santa with some snacks for his big journey tonight. The recipe stated the mix would make about 40 cookies... in the end, we have 18 ..... dough was eaten, biscuits were broken and dough was all over the floor! Being only 2 1/2, she is still a little unsure of having the jolly man in the red suit visit our house, but was happy to choose two Christmas trees and place them on the special Santa plate, along with a beer.

Construction zone: Operation Gingerbread House

Feeling the Christmas spirit this year more than I have in a long time, my daughter & I embarked upon the challenge of making our first ever Gingerbread House........

And this my idea of a Gingerbread House – pre-fabricated.
And as with all great Ikea flatpacks, this one came with an instruction sheet ... the only thing it was missing was an Allen key.

Alongside me was my excited assistant

We took a pause in the building works to dance to some Christmas tunes (as all builders do, right?!)

A picture of innocence right?

Hmmmm....... :)

Tara was on roof tiling duties

The finished product .....

Builder: Rebecca Doyle
Foreman: Chris Doyle
Part-time artistic controller: Tara Doyle
Part-time lolly eater: Tara Doyle
Pre-fabrication: Ikea
Amount of times one can say "Please stop licking the icing": endless


Photo Challenge Submission

Baby Ed & big sister Annica

Today I was lucky to have another visit with snuggly Ed, who I took some photos of last week .... my challenge today ...... getting Ed's 2 1/2 year old energetic sister - a gorgeous girl called Annica, still enough to be in the photos too. And I must say Annica did a most marvellous job and is very much the doting big sister to her little brother - she was always at the ready to plant a kiss on his face or hold him for a cuddle.

And it made my day when Annica disappeared and came back with this......

More pictures soon to follow on my Facebook page - please click HERE to have a look :)

I am a photo show off :)

Thanks to the lovely Amy over at love.bug for picking my photo for last week's "Photo Show Off" :). Make sure you visit her blog


Here was my chosen pic

This week's photo show off theme is 'ornaments'... I'm feeling the Christmas spirit and some inspiration to take out my camera.... stay tuned! Head on over to the love.bug blog and enter your photos!!

Special family portrait session with Soph, Cam & Annie

To say that I was honoured to be able to capture these family portraits today is an understatement. I'd like to introduce you to my lovely friends Soph & Cam and their fair-haired little beauty Annabelle. When my husband & I moved to Canberra a few years ago Soph was the first friend I met, and immediately made me feel welcome, introducing me to new friends and showing me the sights.

Since that time, we have seen each other through both of husband's overseas deployments and shared in the joy as we have both welcomed little girls into the world.

Cam is currently serving on deployment in Afghanistan, home for just 10 days before heading back in a couple of days time.... and today I was very fortunate to spend some time with them, watching them play and have fun with Annie - their love for each other and their little girl is just wonderful and so very special.

Please enjoy these sneak peek shots from today's session and please follow along on Rebecca Doyle Photography for more photos coming soon.

The art of cupcake making

Working part-time, I really cherish my days off work and spending time with my little girl. She's 2 1/2, full of questions and constant chatter, and oh so much fun. Yesterday we hung out in the kitchen and made banana cupcakes ......

Baby Ed

Ten days ago my beautiful friend Emma gave birth to an adorable little boy named Ed - and yesterday I had the pleasure of capturing some precious moments in this fresh newborn's life (along with having some beautiful cuddles with him too!) ♥

Please visit the Rebecca Doyle Photography Facebook page for more images soon

Thank you Emma & Nunz for allowing me to capture some photos of your beautiful son xxx

Love Bug's Photo Show Off

The world of 365 introduced me to the fabulous Amy - who has set the challenge this week in her blog's 'Photo Show Off'- selfies. Here are my submissions:


Giggling cousins

My house is filled with lots of lots giggles at the moment. And the recipe for those giggles? Simply take one 6 year and one 2 1/2 year old, who see each other a couple of times a year, and you have instant hysteria!

My Mum and my 6 year old niece were visiting from interstate for a few days and the girls are having the most marvellous time together. There has been dress ups, chalk drawing, bubble blowing, park playing, bird feeding, bike riding, toy playing, book reading, drum playing, dancing, running, somersaulting fun.

... and just a tiny bit of rest thrown in!

What tops your Christmas tree?

This weekend we put up our Christmas tree (the first we have had in 10 years!) ...... and today, after much searching, we found a star to adorn the top.

..... I love the magic of Christmas....

Tell me - what do you put on the top of your Christmas tree? Star? Angel?

Welcome to Rebecca Doyle Photography

I've decided to ignore my Gen-X tendencies and embrace the world of blogging ....... and I'd like to welcome you to 'Rebecca Doyle Photography'.

I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .. and I look forward to continuing to explore the world through my lens.

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