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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......

Construction zone: Operation Gingerbread House

Feeling the Christmas spirit this year more than I have in a long time, my daughter & I embarked upon the challenge of making our first ever Gingerbread House........

And this my idea of a Gingerbread House – pre-fabricated.
And as with all great Ikea flatpacks, this one came with an instruction sheet ... the only thing it was missing was an Allen key.

Alongside me was my excited assistant

We took a pause in the building works to dance to some Christmas tunes (as all builders do, right?!)

A picture of innocence right?

Hmmmm....... :)

Tara was on roof tiling duties

The finished product .....

Builder: Rebecca Doyle
Foreman: Chris Doyle
Part-time artistic controller: Tara Doyle
Part-time lolly eater: Tara Doyle
Pre-fabrication: Ikea
Amount of times one can say "Please stop licking the icing": endless


Photo Challenge Submission


Anonymous said...

That is just too cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks for linking up with me last week! I LOVE your gingerbread house, this makes me want to do this next year. Last year little man just ate the stuff before it got put on...haha


Unknown said...

Thanks Amy! And of course, you will over look the attempted link to another photo that I seemingly messed up - and then couldn't work out how to get back & in edit ..... oh dear me!

There is a reason there are so few 'roof tiles' on this construction.
Me: "Here is a dot of icing for you to put a lolly on"
Tara: "And can I put one in my mouth too?"
Me: "Here is another dot of icing for the next lolly"
Tara: "And can I put one in my mouth too?" :D

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