Practicing her best "Ahoy me hearties", we delved into our craft box today to create some pirate fun. I found an old post on 'Kid's Craft Weekly' with some great instructions and templates. I particularly loved that the Jolly Roger was a koala on the templates! And can I just say that I am SO excited that Tara is at an age where we can start playing and creating with fun craft activities (I subscribed to the Kid's Craft Weekly magazine before Tara could even sit on her own, let alone hold a pair of scissors, glue on sequins, or make her own Christmas cards). Please visit the Kid's Craft Weekly page if you are after some fun kid's craft ideas.
The pirate hat was tackled first, because, well really, what self-respecting pirate doesn't have a pirate hat? I also figured if her attention waned, atleast she would have a hat if we didn't make it on to creating anything else.
Tara very excitedly tried the hat on for size.....
... and then announced that she needed an eye patch! I didn't have any felt handy, so simply cut out a shape that resembled an eye-patch, hole-punched a couple of holes and tied on some black hat elastic.
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The hat and the eye-patch were all done in about 15 minutes. Little Miss then was distracted for a while, so I retrieved some cardboard from the garage and quickly fashioned a 'sword', covered with aluminium foil. Tara assisted with the necklace, as we modified the instructions and quickly wrapped some torn off bits of foil around a pink ribbon (yes, all pirates have pink necklaces). Tara then got distracted some more, pretending the wrapped up bits of foil were chocolates ...... aye aye....
Yarrrr.....It was a fun activity to do, and Tara wore her eye patch and hat whilst eating lunch later on ....
Avast, she's a cute lookin' matey ahoy!