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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......

Let's Do 52 - {8/52} - Simply pearls

Hello friends!! Thanks for following along with me on my 'Let's Do 52' weekly photo challenge. The theme set for week 8 is 'Simplicity' ..... and it was the masterful Leonardo da Vinci that can be quoted as saying "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" .....

Well I don't quite know how sophisticated I am .... but I do think the simplicity of pearl necklace is pure sophistication.

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And here is what happens when I have some jewellery, a camera on a tripod and a my camera remote out .......

52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE


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