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I'm Rebecca, the girl behind the camera .... thank you for popping by to say hello.

Rebecca Doyle Photography - the art of capturing precious moments in time.......


We had a great Sunday together.
Swimming lesson in the morning.
Then home to make up pancakes, topped with our favourite - lemon and sugar.
Raced little cars on the floor before heading out to visit some friends in the afternoon.
I love my days hanging out with my daughter.

 then, she {snapped}

Here are some legs.... here are some feet......oh happy days!

For those familiar with some of my photos, you will know I have a bit of a thing for taking photos of feet and legs.

I just came across the 'The Paper Mama's' photo challenge for this week .... FEET (be still my beating heart.... I'm giddy with excitement). The Paper Mama's photo challenges are unique, in that they MUST have your child in them here are a few of my favourites, with l'il Miss T's cute pudgy toes... plus a few of my self-portrait leg & feet shots. Enjoy!

And if you haven't checked out The Paper Mama's blog, please do so HERE - The gal has style, the gal is fun :) And I adore that her photo challenge's have the requirement of featuring your children!

Stay tuned for more feet and leg photos soon.... I promise, I still have quite a collection to share :)


Wordless Wednesday #3

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Linking up with:

and then, she {snapped}love.bug.The Paper MamaLive and Love...Out Loud

Let's Do 52 - {4/52} - Unexpected Perspective

It wasn't until I got home today, after taking Tara out to a cafe for lunch, that I discovered this week's theme for 'Let's Do 52' - and as it so happens, the photos I took whilst I was there (because of course I took my camera out to lunch too!) happened to fit the theme perfectly ('Unexpected Perspective').

My l'il T was out of childcare today recovering from a head cold, I took the day off work to hang out with her. With junior panadol giving her a boost, she was getting a little stir-crazy in the house, so we headed down to one of my favourite funky cafes, Tilley's, found ourselves a booth seat in the corner and armed with toy cars, a selection of 'Little Miss' and 'Dr Seuss' books, and of course, Teddy, we shared a breakfast focaccia (well, she ate a little bit of cheese). For drinks, I had my usual skinny mocha and she was treated to a kiddie's vanilla milkshake. I even managed to flip through a magazine!

A couple of weeks ago I came across 'Embrace the Camera' (turning the camera on yourself once a week, 'embracing the camera' and capturing the moments you share with someone special) and have decided that each week, I will take a photo of Tara & I, just doing whatever Tara & I do. It was a happy coincidence that this week's photo also suited my weekly 'Let's Do 52' challenge :)

52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE

Wordless Wednesday #2

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Linking up with:

The Paper MamaLive and Love...Out Loudand then, she {snapped}


Let's Do 52 - {3/52} - Negative space

This week's challenge presented the topics of 'white/negative space' and 'every day tools'. I had fun pulling out my lovely old 1946 edition of 'Rebecca' from last week's photo, to use again, as well as picking some flowers whilst out for a walk this afternoon with my 2 1/2 year old little poppet.

I ran the Paint the Moon 'Vanilla Pop' action, which was ideal for this week's theme, then ran 'Urban Delight' (reducing the opacity of the milky & creamy layers), then as a texture lover, popped on the Timeworn texture.

52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE


Tonight I have been working on finalising some images from my session with Soph, Cam & Annabelle, and enjoying looking at the special little moments between Daddy and daughter as Annie led Cam around their backyard to play and explore. This was extra special, knowing that Daddy was home for only 10 days, during his deployment to Afghanistan. See HERE for full story.

As a part of 'And then, she {snapped}'s Monday 'Photo Show Off', I'd love to share this image with you.

Happy Monday to you all!

 then, she {snapped}

Let's Do 52 - Pick of the Week

I am so very chuffed to find my 'Open Book' photo to be picked amongst an amazing selection of images for 'Paint the Moon's Let's Do 52'.

52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE

Original post HERE

Let's Do 52 - {2/52} - Open Book

I chose 'Open' for my 2nd week's contribution to the 'Let's Do 52' ..... I am loving the two choice theme option!

I may now be on my computer every day, access Facebook on my phone and do all other sorts of technological things, gosh I've even started blogging!! .... But I still love the feel of an open book in my hands :)

I am new to the 'Paint the Moon' actions, and tried out the amazing freebies - processed this with 'The Bees Knees', adjusting opacity levels, then added the timeworn texture. I can see I will be purchasing some more actions very soon - loved these ones!

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52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE

I am so very excited to be among the eight 'Pick of the Week's for the 'Let's Do 52' challenge :D
52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE

See HERE for the Paint the Moon week 2 photo wrap up - so many amazing contributions.

Wordless Wednesday #1

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My first Wordless Wednesday :)
Linking up with:

The Paper MamaLive and Love...Out Loudand then, she {snapped}love.bug.

Birthday carrot cake

Hip hip hooray......

Yesterday was my lovely husband Chris' birthday, and this year I am determined to do more baking (from scratch). I love making cakes and cupcakes for special occasions, but sadly don't do it as often as I would like. And although not really a person to set myself resolutions with the dawning of a New Year, I am going to make more of an effort to get stuck into the kitchen a little bit more.

Inspired by my friend Marinda, who posted on her Lady Cookie Monster blog last week, what was promised to be a nice & simple Carrot Cake recipe... I took to the kitchen to make Chris' birthday cake. Check out the recipe HERE - it was nice and simple to make, and so very delicious :)

And I fashioned some cute mini 'carrots' with dried apricots and green lolly snakes.

Lady Cookie Monster
This is also my first contribution to the wonderful 'and then, she {snapped}' blog's 'Photo Show Off' :)

 then, she {snapped}
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